2021.1 – Event 5 – “Air Up There”

Male + Female Pair
10 Synchro Air Squats
1 Synchro Bar Muscle Up
20 Synchro Air Squats
2 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups
30 Synchro Air Squats
3 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups

Continue adding 10 Air Squats + 1 Bar Muscle Up Each Round

Teams may choose to perform the scaled variation of the workout. Scaled scores will be ranked below Rx scores on the leaderboard.

AMRAP 10 (Scaled)
10 Synchro Air Squats
1 Synchro Burpee to Target
20 Synchro Air Squats
2 Synchro Burpees to Target
30 Synchro Air Squats
3 Synchro Burpees to Target

Continue adding 10 Air Squats + 1 Burpee to Target Each Round